Ten economic development, business, and community development organizations from across New Brunswick will present a virtual conference and podcast series designed to reimagine New Brunswick in a post-pandemic world.

Imagine a Better, Stronger New Brunswick...

How Might NBBC & Other N.B. Leaders Help with Provincial Recovery?

NBBC CEO, Adrienne O'Pray, recently listened to Tom Rand, a Canadian climate change expert, author and green entrepreneur, speak at Mount Allison University.

Join us to create an action plan to increase regional economic development in Northern New Brunswick!

The New Brunswick Business Council is pleased to be part of the advisory committee for iHUB Learning Inc., an innovation hub and not-for-profit organization in the province.

As a leader, why do you think there’s value in being a member of NBBC, given its role in building a better New Brunswick?

I get so much out of being a member of the NB Business Council. I’m surrounded by some of the brightest minds in the New Brunswick business community. There are so many local businesses doing great things, especially the family businesses that want to remain in the province—not just sell their company and move on. It’s inspiring to see companies like McCain Foods and Cooke Aquaculture prove that you can be successful here at home.

As a leader, why do you think there’s value in being a member of NBBC, given its role in building a better New Brunswick?

I was lucky enough to be appointed to NBBC by the Wallace McCain Institute. I raised my hand to be a NBBC member because I think it’s important for business leaders in the province to speak in a unified voice. We can have more meaningful impact as a group than if we were to work separately. It’s as much about teamwork as it is about leadership.

Quebec's slow pace on twinning a small section of the Trans-Canada Highway near the New Brunswick border is costing Canada close to $2 billion a year in lost economic activity, say business leaders.

Mike Wilson's shining moment came when he attended ceremonies in the United Arab Emirates this past March to celebrate a Guinness World Records achievement. The CEO of Atlantic Industries Limited, whose headquarters are in Sackville in southeastern New Brunswick, had provided the technology for the world's largest metal-buried bridge, with a span of more than 32 metres.

As a leader, why do you think there’s value in being a member of NBBC, given its role in building a better New Brunswick?

I’ve been a member of the New Brunswick Business Council for over five years simply because there’s tremendous value in being actively involved in the provincial business community. I accepted the role as chairman in 2018. There’s so much brilliance in that group.

It’s no secret that New Brunswick’s labour force is shrinking. Baby boomers are retiring and younger workers are moving to other provinces, leaving many companies in the province scrambling to find enough qualified employees.

Taxation in New Brunswick—and whether or not heavy industry is paying their fair share—continues to spark much debate across the province. Motion 31 (an offshoot of Bill 9, which was withdrawn earlier this year) is the latest issue involving the taxation of machinery and equipment in the province.